Monday, November 30, 2009

Movie Mania Monday - Never trust anyone!

Congratulations to Quote Guesser Calicobebop for last week's identification of The French Connection. Some trivia for you, because I'm nerdy that way: Popeye's Chicken and Biscuits is named for Gene Hackman's character in this movie. (And now you probably have a pretty good idea of where I'll wind up for lunch.)
Maintenant, this week's contest. I know this is posted later than normal this week, but since I'm still on Pacific time, it's barely 8 a.m. to me. Remember the rules. First person to guess correctly the original source of the quote wins a prize - no movie characters quoting other movies. No Googling or asking Jeeves, either you know the quote or you don't. The prize is a Major Award and consists of the people's ovation and fame forever (and the title of Iron Quote-Guesser). Voici la quote de la semaine:

This is your receipt for your husband. And this is my receipt for your receipt.

Allez guessing!!! You all have been so good with these, I need to start making them harder.


Bev said...

I thought I knew it, and I did, but I googled it to make sure. So I have disqualified myself. Poo.

Anonymous said...

I had to think long and hard on this one....


Be nice and share!

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